spoiler 680+, uuuuhhh

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icon12  view post Posted on 30/1/2009, 15:15

ma dico! le avete viste le immagini del file 680???? :wub: :stralove:
protagonista|||| :idolo: :idolo: :idolo: :idolo: :idolo: :ciacia: :stralove: però non ho capito nulla di quello che dicono...ma te kikka ihihih mi sa che è cinese...mica lo so :crepo:
allora...provate ad andare qui

e cercate conan 680
sono delle foto fatte alle pagine del manga ihihih come ci siamo ridotti :crepo:
ah! metto anke un traduzione veloce che ha fatto un utente del solito sito
SPOILER (click to view)
File 680 - Traveling with 2 dangerous people...

Something must have happened where Agasa is


Conan: oi oi oi...

Conan: Agasa's Volkswagen is out again!?

Agasa: no, it's not...

Agasa: there is a new product exposition at San Li....

Conan: ah ah... every year in February, you go there....

Agasa: after that exposition, on our way back, the car suddenly stopped...

Agasa: I called JAF so that they can come pick up the car and take us to the nearest bus

stop. but...

Conan: the bus didn't come?

Agasa: ah. no...


ah, sorry!
I don't take this bus!

Conan: oi, you didn't forget your wallet...

Agasa: ah,ah...

Agasa: I think I lost it somewhere... mah, anyways there isn't a much...

Conan: I see... so you are calling me so that I can ask uncle Kogoro to come pick you up

right... but...

Conan: uncle is out on investigation, he is not home...

Agasa: eh eh~~?

it shouldn't be a bothersome right?
ask that guy to get a car to come pick you up...

Agasa: that guy?

that guy, that guy! she is at home anyway right?
that girl always having a dead fish eye...

Ai: I'm sorry about that...


Ai: always having a dead fish eye...

why are you there?

Conan: didn't you always think that Agasa's new invention is stupid/dumb!

Ai: yeah... although I didn't want to come but I also didn't want to look after the

house alone!

the unidentified person living next door is scary...
I don't want to stay in that house...

ah ah...it's Subaru right?
if it's that person then there is no problem! he seems to be a nice person...

Conan: yeah! it should be ok to let Subaru come pick you up right?

although I don't really understand your feelings...


although you say that this person is not a member of BO, but I still...
have this suspicion...

it's impossible!
if he is, then you and I are already killed...

Ai: don't tell me...

don't tell me that you are planning to observe him while his is in your house?
having me as a bait and hoping that person will have some action...

Conan: idiot, how can I possibly do that!?

Ai: anyway, no matter what is the reason you use, don't make him leave your house?

if that person send information to the BO, I'm the traitor of the organization, Sherry,

and the supposed to be dead, Kudo Shinichi, are still alive, it will be bad!
correct... in order to shut us up secretly, the organization's assassin might come to us

very soon...

phone - ba ba--


Ai & Agasa: eh?

if you are in trouble, you can come in!
you didn't bring any money right?

Agasa: oh oh! thank you very much!

lady: then have the back seat...

Ai: I think finally a hope to go home has appeared...

Ai: then, before went get there, you better think of a reason to get that person out of

your house!

Conan: oi, oi Haibara?

lady; is it ok up to Tokyo?

Agasa: yes! we are actually going there...


Agasa: eh?

Lady: ah, that guy didn't have any sleep last night..

Agasa, ah, is that so...

Ai: ...

Agasa: hei xio! (not sure what it means.. probably just an expression)

lady: it's a little tight, please bare with it for a while!

Agasa: a little tight?

lady: it's tight because of the luggage right?

Ai: ne... other than that.. may I please ask a question?

lady: eh?


how do you know?
that we don't have any money...

maybe she heard me speak on the phone right?
I did say that I lost my money...

Ai: the car was running, do you think she can hear that clearly someone talking on the


it would make sense if they where passing by us and then stopped the car...
you stopped the car before passing by us right?

lady; ah ah, stopped the car because...

lady: you are standing in front of a bus stop but you are not taking it...

Ai: and then, when you stopped the car, you heard us talking?

lady: no, when I stopped the car, I saw some stain on that uncle's shirt...

Agasa: ah... that was coke...

that is a mark of the safety belt from your car right? because only that part is not

and beside, you got that stain unintentionally... you wouldn't wear a stained cloth to

go out...


Agasa: eh, yeah...

in other words, you where driving up till then...
but there is no car beside you...

and beside, while I was buying coffee from a vending machine...
I saw a car being towed... according to this...

I think that your car broke down and called JAF to pick up the car... and ask them to

drop you off at a nearby bus stop at the same time...
and then realized that you can't find your wallet, can't even take the bus even if you

wanted to right!

Agasa: correct, it's just like what you said!

lady: right...

then, can I now drive?
little girl?

Ai: eh eh...


something (accident maybe) must have happened...

lady: if you want to rest, you can take a nap!

Agasa: thank you very much...

lady: at the same time, is your house in Tokyo?

Agasa: ah, at Beika-Chi 2 Ting Mu (2nd avenue... I think)

eh... Beika cho...
this is a coincidence...

Agasa: coincidence?

lady: we also want to go there... to Beika Cho 5 Ting Mu...


lady: Detective Mouri's office...

oh! is that so!
we actually know each other...

I'm a little tired...

Agasa: eh?

Ai: uncle, it's better to have a nap right?

Agasa: ah ah...

Ai: when we get there, wake us up...

lady: ok...

Agasa: what's wrong Ai?

Ai: that person is very suspicious...


Ai: you saw it right? the guy's face sitting on the passenger seat...

ah, ah ah...
although he has a scar on his face...

Agasa: but, just using this to say that he is suspicious...

Ai: didn't you notice?

Ai: the seat...

the top left side of the back seat...
there are 2 holes...

Ai: I'm afraid that they are gun marks!

Agasa: eh eh?

also, they wanted to clean the car...
but there are lines on the seats...

Ai: blood stains...



lady: en? what's wrong?

Agasa: n, nothing...

Ai: uncle's sleep talk is too loud...

Ai: anyways...

let's pretend to be sleeping for now...
and see who these 2 people really are...

Ai: what is the reason to go to Detective Mouri's Office...

not sure who is saying this - oi...


what's going on?
while I was sleeping, I think there is an increase in luggage...

lady: in the middle of the road...

lady: looks like they are familiar with Detective Mouri...

guy: oh...

well that's good...
can reduce investigation time...

guy: comparing to that, what do you think of that little brat?

lady: little brat (kid)?

the one that always follows Mouri Kogoro...
the kid called Edogawa Conan...


talking about how you see...
for a child, I think that he is actually very smart kid...

guy: I believe I see him as the one controlling the scene...

lady: eh?

mah, brought a lot of gifts...
there wouldn't be any problem to sing loudly afterward...

lady: but, is that really ok?

ah ah...
it's enough to half kill...

not sure who is thinking -
half kill/semi-kill?

guy: although saying this is a little exaggerating...


guy: it's better if they are killed... (not sure what they are trying to express...

semi-kill/half-kill and killed (jie sha))

Agasa & Ai: what?

can't wait to see each other...
ah ah... tears of joy...
my half-kill...

and their half-kill...
cannot be compared...

side note:
having a dangerous conversation, could it be the organization?
view post Posted on 31/1/2009, 20:52

questo non è cinese, questo è proprio giapponese!
non vi posso aiutare per mia disgrazia... -_-

cmq bel caso! questo lo risolve la nostra puccia eh... :woot:
di dubbia provenienza cmq il files... sembra strappato da un volume posato su una tavola di legno e fotografato... :blink:
ma la gente sta proprio senza far niente e gli scanner ormai non si usano più... :D :D :D

Edited by [email protected]^^ - 31/1/2009, 22:14
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 14:35

ohh tutti maggiorenni! il foro è in crescita! XD
ehhh di qui a ottobre c'è tempo!!!

io ho detto che non lo sapevo! :crepo:

sembra strappato da un volume posato su una tavola di legno e fotografato... :blink:

sisi! XD in effetti sono le "foto" XD

è uscita la traduzione in inglese!!!
la potete trovare QUI
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 19:41

una curiosità...

ma dove hai pescato la prima citazione del tuo ultimo post??? :crepo:

cmq si noti di come gosho si sia reso conto che la sua "storia" fatta di episodi autoconclusivi stia rompendo la clientela... adesso ogni caso ha sempre un particolare, anche minimo, che rimanda cmq alla trama generale... -_-

Edited by [email protected]^^ - 1/2/2009, 20:14
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 23:16

una curiosità...

ma dove hai pescato la prima citazione del tuo ultimo post??? :crepo:

waaa!! me ne so accorta adesso!! ahahahahahahaha prima di passare qui ero in un altro foro e avevo copiato quella frase...
volevo citare questa frase
questo non è cinese, questo è proprio giapponese!
non vi posso aiutare per mia disgrazia... -_-

si vede che poi non so...non mi ha copiato...boh...ahahah!!! XDXD ma io sono unica!!! solo a me capitano ste cose! XDXD
comunque...ecco le mie impressioni dopo aver letto le scans in inglese...
mmm...potrebbe anche essere che però alla fine qualcosa esce fuori... mi pare che ai gli abbia dato un ultimatum Muahahahah!! XDXD
inoltre, ai ....... non ha tutti i torti. è strano che conan sia certo che okiya non sia un membro dell'organizzazione; e se ai avesse ragione a dire che conan sospetta di okiya e lo sta tenendo d'occhio? Tutti (o almeno parecchi...) abbiamo pensato che okiya potesse essere shuu, ma potrebbe anche essere, si burbon, ma non shuu, cioè, potrebbe essere proprio un membro effettivo. è strano anche che i MIB mandino ad indagare su sherry un novellino, ma potrebbe anche essere un membro trasferito da fuori, che ne so...dall'america! e (questa mi è venuta in mente adesso, in questo istante! e so che è una cavolata XD) potrebbe anche essere che abbia a che fare con il passato di ai! mi pare che il suo sesto senso scatti con persone con cui ha avuto a che fare... sfornare un caso caso con ai in primo piano, senza che abbia nulla a che fare con la trama... non mi ricordo un fatto simile da.. il vecchio castello?
*shiho spera VIVAMENTE che sia così, almeno succede qualcosa XDXD*
poi questi 2 non li capisco...vogliono uccidere qualcuno e danno un passaggio?! inoltre questo half-killed non l'ho capito... mezzo morto/mezzo omicidio? O.o che sia qualcuno in cerca di vendetta?

la ragazza che sta sempre a sbadigliare svogliatamente sta parlando... :tonned: :crepo: :crepo: :crepo: più ci penso e più rido!
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 23:43

okiya non è un novellino, ci sa fare e anche tanto!
molto probabilmente lo hanno prima preparato, addestrato con un "riconoscimento" diverso e poi gli hanno cambiato nome in codice per dargli quello definitivo e metterlo in gioco!
e credo anche che hanno puntato tanto su questo "novellino", si aspettano proprio molto perchè non si vede più nessun'altro in giro!!!! ;)
inoltre credo che ai abbia quella strana sensazione proprio perchè già lo conosce, già ha avuto a che fare con questo sicuramente quando era ancora nell'organizzazione e questo appunto era uno in "fase di preparazione"...
kissà... vedremo... :P
view post Posted on 2/2/2009, 15:41

potrebbe anche essre che ai lo conosceva, ma era piccola... qui potrebbe nascere un caso stupendo! con tanto di passato della puccia! mi raccomando gosho....
view post Posted on 2/2/2009, 20:27

mmm... non lo so... gosho lo vedo stanco... <_<
speriamo... cmq si vede che perde colpi... eheheh!!! caro goshetto, l'età nuoce a tutti!!! non si può restare giovani per sempre e non ti servirà a niente pigliarti l'aptx... sono le tue idee ormai esaurite!!!! :D :D :D
view post Posted on 3/2/2009, 21:37

ahaha! XDXD
brutta notizia....conan esce questa settimana e poi salta per 2 di fila....uff
view post Posted on 5/2/2009, 22:40

è uscita la raw del 681!! a quanto pare niente di serio! :D
però... prevedo vendetta!!!! Muahahahahahahah :devil:
e spero VIVAMENTE che non ci siamo dimenticati (di nuovo :angry: ) di Okiya così! come se non si fosse detto nulla! :censored:
potete scaricare qui

ed ecco una traduzione veloce (sempre di cutepeipei)
SPOILER (click to view)
File 681 - Half killed

Who are these two people!?


lady: really...

lady: cooperation is really fun...

man: yeah...

so happy that tears will come out...
my half kill...

and their half kill...
cannot be compared!


lady: ah, are you awake?

Ai: hm, yes...

lady: then you must have heard what we said earlier...

Ai: talk?

got awake by grandpa's snoring...
is there something that you have said that you don't want me to hear?

lady: it's good if you didn't hear anything

not sure who should be saying this, although the bullet does seems to go toward the guy: unfortunately we are in a traffic again

on the way back to Tokyo...
shall we go have tea when we get off the car? While drinking, we might just get hungry...

lady: I also want to ask your relationship with Detective Mouri...

Agasa: ah?

lady: of course, if you don't want to

men: oi, everyone wants to go home early...


men: as soon as you get of the car, you'll be able to run as fast as an airplane right?

Agasa: run...

Ai: then let's have a rest at the resting station

lady: then let me have a look at the map ok? I left it in the board

men: ah...

Ai, I think:

men: the resting station is 1km in from here

lady: ok/understood!

Ai: ...


Conan: what!?

Conan: hiking a car and you gone into a thief car?

Ai: yes, the thief seems to want to know how you and detective Mouri look like

Conan: bla-black organization's members?

Ai: hm, they don't have that kind of smell but they do have a gun

Conan: are you with them right now?

Ai: yeah, Agasa is talking to them, I told them that I'm making a call as an excuse...

Conan: is Agasa ok?

Ai: worry about yourself, the topic seems to be about the relation between you two

Conan: they are dangerous, it's better for you to leave now!

Ai: idiot, the one who wants to hall kill you is right here. Can't just disappear like that right?

Conan: hall kill

that's what he said
half kill is good enough otherwise...


Ai: also said "all and all" is not bad (not quite sure what it means... I can't seem to find the other last kanji in my dict.

Conan: all and all?

Ai: hm, the initial plan was to get everyone killed, the situation has changed that's why want to see how it is with a half kill?

Conan: oh, are they really not from the BO?

ah... haven't asked them...
want to find me, the traitor of BO,...

Conan: anyway-

I'll be there with the skateboard in 30min
prior to that, drag them

Ai: how to drag?

Conan: From Thousand Leaves to Tokyo, saw someone that we know and want to sit in their car! say it like that!

Thousand leaves? we are taking a break from Yamanagi to Tokyo...
your lie A...

Conan: knowing that you are lying, they would question you more!

Ai: I see, prior to that, hide in the parking lot...


Ai: but... if they see through the lie...

Conan: these kind of people you don't need to worry!

I heard Inspector Takagi is trying to catch someone!
just say that he has a gun!

tranquilizer and soccer ball can hit those tow...
but afterward...

if it's the Bo...
what should be do?


lady, I think: ah, saw someone you know on your way from Thousand leaves to Tokyo...

lady: isn't that great?

I'm sorry to have bothered you two until now...

not sure how is saying this: 886

men: ...

men: he's scared to an idiot

what should we do

men: if the earlier half kill

lady: they heard it

Ai: just like what you said!


Ai: they have realized it's a lie and they are looking for us!

Conan: where are you?

hiding in the toilet
it's only a matter of time before they find us...

Conan: maybe it's a case from uncle and they wants revenge! tell me their traits!

the lady is wearing sunglasses and her are on both sides
the men has dark skin with mustaches and has a scar!

Conan: a scar on the left eye...

Ai: it's not a good bird for sure... there is a gun and 3 gun holes in the car with blood...

Conan: any other special trait?

talking about that
their language is a little weird!

Conan: use of language

Ai: like run run cannot be said...


run run...

Agasa: what is dark/black language?

Conan: anyways, I'll be there is 5min! hold on!

men: oi! is it the old grandpa?

men: if there is someone say something

another men: 支 - zhi (dict says it means to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money... from my point of view it means say something in this content, well I may be wrong)!

not sure who is saying this: will come out soon!~

Ai: no more time come here quick...

Ai: 如之奈何? (I'm not sure if it means instead... not quite sure)

Conan: wait these kind of words is...

Ai: oi! Kudo!

Conan: half kill and kill all...

Ai: Kudo-kun!?

conan: the big scar on he left eye?


Agasa: they're here!!

is there anyone?
say something!

Ai: oi! Kudo!

Conan: easy! Use queen voice and say that you are currently using! then he would leave right?

Conan: that guy know that if a women is using, he'll move right?

Ai: also this trick...

men: oi!?

桀桀桀... (桀 means cruel... but I can't seem to make a proper phrase out of that =_=")
if you are in there...

Ai: hu (taking a breath)


PERVERT DON'T YOU DON'T THAT I'M (here Ai used the word old lady) USING IT!!
you wanderer!! (sorry... that's what I can get out with the weird font that they used for this part)

men: sorry

men: excuse me

men: hmff

Ai: wait! isn't here the men's washroom?

Conan: nonsense, Agasa can't hide in the woman's washroom

Ai: what nonsense? then what I said earlier wouldn't it be weird?

Conan: there is a small window near the cabin right?

Ai: en, there is!

Conan: get out of here from there!


Ai: what after we get out?

Conan: well this...

Conan: I think...

Conan: the weird lady is waiting for you?

Ai: wait?

Conan: the weird uncle is also coming

Conan: you are now dead!

Ai: game over?

Conan: no problem!


Conan: there is no problem because these 2 are police!

Agasa: what?

Ai: police inspector!?

Conan: ah Yui-neechan is ex-inspector right

lady: no I'm back in action

Torada Yui: thanks to your injuries, the culprit got away... (I might be wrong with this part... the word quality are not so good)

men: you are considered to be lucky!

Yamato Kansuke:
I got scratched by that guy's bullet...
and became like this...


Kogoro: that scar and the sunglasses... no wonder they thought you were from a gang!

Yamato: 稍早抓到一男的 ... not sure who to translate this, when I read it, it doesn't make anysense... I'm guessing will catch him sooner or later

Yamato: there was a hidden gun and firing freely

Yui: while breaking the car, my head got hit!

Ai: I see, that's why there are bullet holes and blood...

Yui: but you do really know/understand us...

Conan: it's all thanks to "run run", they are all language from Nagano... in Nagano and to know us with a scar on the left eye, there is only office Yamato!

it's only a lame joke
half kill and kill all

Yui: ah, it's only a code. you misunderstood...

Agasa: mistake?

half kill is...


Yamato: a type of this peony cake/cookie!

Ran: looks very delicious!

Yui: this is make by Xiao Qi's grand mother and it's the best/no.1!

Ai: this is called half kill?

peony cookie made with half fragmented flour, it's called half kill
if all fragmented, it's called kill all!

Korogo: en, Yanago people call it like this?

no, grand mother said that Xiao Qi use competition to win his opponent (I might xlated this part wrong...)
because he loves dangerous sentences...

did something happen at Yagano
telling us you got hurt since the beginning (I might get this part wrong as well)

Yui: no, case

Yui: I need your intelligence to solve a mysterious case

Yamato: blooded wall

certo che...ma daaaiiii!!! si posso chiamare così dei dolci?!?! :crepo: :crepo: :crepo:
view post Posted on 6/2/2009, 18:57

seeeeeeeeeee... <_< io l'ho detto che gosho si sta ammosciando... -_-
più si va avanti più i casi diventano demenziali... :unsure:

cmq mi ha colpito il fatto che ai ha quaslcosa che calza quasi quasi come un samsung omnia... :woot:
la cosa mi eccita terribilmente perchè a me piace tanto quel modello!!!!!!! LO AMO!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:
view post Posted on 7/2/2009, 13:52

cmq mi ha colpito il fatto che ai ha quaslcosa che calza quasi quasi come un samsung omnia... :woot:
la cosa mi eccita terribilmente perchè a me piace tanto quel modello!!!!!!! LO AMO!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:

mmmm...non l'ho notato...anche se in quelle foto era difficile notare qualcosa XD
comunque adesso vedrò, dato che sono uscite proprio le scans in inglese!! sempre sul solito sito!
view post Posted on 8/2/2009, 13:58

si siiiiiiiiiii... :woot:
credo proprio sia un samsung omnia!!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:
view post Posted on 8/2/2009, 23:39

mmm.... a me sembra un motorola XD
view post Posted on 9/2/2009, 16:03

ma che dici... non ci somiglia per niente... XD
ma che modello di motorola intendi...
27 replies since 30/1/2009, 15:15   235 views